The team at Hey Girl! Health see women from all over Australia and all consultations are conducted over Zoom.
So you can get comfy & stay in your PJ’s!

Initial Consult

Where we explore all that is you.

An initial Naturopathic consultation goes for approximately 75 minutes.
In this time we discuss everything about your health, history, & lifestyle; and formulate a holistic approach to better managing your health.
75 minutes | $160


Time to check-in.

A Naturopathic follow up goes for approximately 45 minutes.
This is where we hold space, and check in on your progress.
With a treatment plan already in place, this is where we discuss the magic,
and adjust any treatments as necessary. 

45 minutes | $120

Functional Testing

I offer functional testing through my practice and can order tests to determine the biological occurrences that are happening within your body. This may include genetic testing, blood pathology, hormone panels, and gut & vaginal microbiome mapping

Prices Vary | Contact me for more information