The resistant starch we are all bananas for!

Resistant starch is a foreign thing to so many, but as we collectively grow towards healthier lifestyles through diet, it's the talk of the town.

So, what exactly is resistant starch?
Resistant starch is a non-digestible prebiotic that feeds our gut microbiome. Because it cannot be 'digested', it remains in its complete form when entering the colon. Unlike digestible starches, which are broken down into sugars by digestive enzymes in our stomaches, resistant starch is utilised by the bacteria in our colon. These beneficial bacteria feed on the starch to create a short chain fatty acid called Butyrate, or Butyric acid, which plays an important role in maintaining a healthy gut, as well as improving the communication between the gut and the brain.

Butyrate is utilised by the body in many ways, one in which is the mediation of gut lining integrity, ensuring the regulation of the death of old cells and regrowth of healthier ones. It also plays a large role in the regulation of the inflammatory process due to its potent antioxidant actions, which makes it an important cofactor in cancer prevention.

So, how do we obtain this wonder starch?
My favourite - green banana flour! A gluten free, grain free, goldmine!
A flour made from green bananas that can easily be introduced into the diet.
With first introduction, you may experience some level of flatulence and bloating, but never fear! As our gut flora evolves to a happier population of good bacteria our body naturally produces gas, but within a few days of consuming your resistant starch symptoms of bloating and flatulence will pass.
While green banana flour, and isolated green banana resistant starch are excellent ways of obtaining this wonder food for our microbiome, if these don't appeal to you there are other ways to include resistant starch in your diet.
Oats are another source that is easily added into your daily regime, or for a gluten free option - black beans! Both of these foods bypass digestion just like green bananas, and just the same, your microbiome will love them!

The positive effects of including this in your everyday life are endless!
There is an ever growing overflow of evidence that explores the connection between the gut and the brain, and a happy microbiome makes a happy mind!
Green banana flour contains naturally occurring 5HTP, which is a precursor to serotonin. Paired with the high levels of tryptophan in bananas - this is an excellent mood regulator.
As well as being a natural healer of the gut lining, butyrate is used within the body to treat diet induced insulin resistance, as well as mediating metabolic disorders by focusing on blood sugar regulation.
While nourishing your gut, green banana flour also provides you body with essential nutrients such as Zinc, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese, and Vitamin E.

Where can I buy this?
Green Banana Baking Flour can be picked up online from Flora and Fauna.

It is Gluten free, Vegan, & Paleo!
Incorporate it into your baking by using 3/4 cup of Green Banana flour in replacement of every cup of wheat flour!


A World Inside: The Importance of Gut health.